Coding Challenge

Procedural Dungeon Generator


During my academic year at DBGA, the week after we delivered our mobile project, our core trainer decided to create a Coding Challenge for us Game Programmers. We were given a detail design document about an engine tool that is intended to be used by a level designer, enabling them to have control over a procedurally generated dungeon. The project was delivered in 6 days time. After that date, I've commited a few minor changes and improvements to make it accessible for most programmers.

You can get the Unity Project from the GitLab repository here:
(based off of Unity 2020.2.1f1)

What I've Learned

I had been given the Best Tool award for this challenge, but it naturally wasn't easy. I've dealt with many issues along the way that helped me learn a lot more than what I already knew about editor scripting; I've learnt how to make editor windows, serialize data properly and debug the Unity editor.